September 20th, 2011 by Josh Henry
All throughout high school we often anticipate, our senior years and wonder when it will come. By the time we start filling out our college applications and, including writing our College Essay. You will feel excited, nervous and aiming to be submitted. When you start writing a College Essay, you should write why you want to attend this particular college. As well as why they should choose you, to be part of their institution.
You can also state why you will be a good candidate and your conduct to fit in to their school policies and mission. Make sure that the content of your college essay emphasizes an introduction about yourself and letting them get to know you. Indicate what makes you unique and what are your college dreams and aspirations.
With you being unique make you great student and new addition to their school. In your essay you need to mention how dedicated you are and why you chose their school to further your education and why they should give you chance to prove yourself. If you already know what you want to major in, tell them.
And tell them why that is your passion, and what will make you good at that profession, and how their school will help you achieve your goal. Everyone wants to be taking to be taking seriously, especially if you are applying for college, you do not want to be talk to or treated like a child, so you need to make sure you come across as being serious. So number one, make sure your essay is well written. If your essay is not well written, they might decide to not even continue reading it.
So make sure you sound like a soon to be college student, and a student that is actually interested in attending their school. Second, if your college essay does not come across as being serious, they might not take you seriously either and think that you would be not be a serious student, so they might totally disregard your essay and application all together. Also make sure that you come across serious in your essay and that they know you are seriously interested about attending their school.
Your College Essays should show a piece of who you are and your personality. Your essay helps the College Board to see some of your character. And depending on how you write your paper, will determine how they will take you. So you want to make sure that your college essay is well written and that your character shines through. Through your essay you want them to feel a connection to you, so that they will like you and accept you in to their school.
If you are a first generation student, a minority, or anything else let them know. If there is anything in your past that has been a trial or something you have had to overcome, share it with them. Tell them how the trials you have overcome have help make you into a stronger person. And because of those trials you will be able to be an even better student. That they have made you determine to be better and do something worth wild with your life.
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