Here are just some of the ways our business model is being recognised, nurtured?and celebrated.
SportInspired?s success and job creation potential has been recognised by Business In the Community ? after a highly competitive selection process we are delighted to announce we?ve been?awarded?the support of their arc scheme.
We?re pleased to announce our efforts have been?recognised by the ?the Big Society Network?s ?Nexters Programme?. ?It?s a programme designed to identify and nuture the UK?s most promising social entrepreneurs.
The Prime Minister, David Cameron, took the editor?s chair of the Big Issue and guess what? He mentioned?SportInspired?in his article on the power of social enterprise ?Britain?s Got Talent?. See?The Big Issue, 959,?July 25, 2011, page 21.
Six Degree People is an executive search firm dedicated to helping organisations identify and attract the talent required to flourish in the new green economy. ?We?re delighted to announce their founding director selected?SportInspired?as the focus of his personal corporate social responsibility action, he?s worked hand in glove with SportInspired?s founders to help build our Brains Trust.
Our dream of creating ?The National Community Games? was given a real boost by rugby legend, Brian Moore. ?He saw us present at the Sport and Recreation Alliance National Conference in May 2011 and the next day offered a huge endorsement of our campaign in an article published in the Telegraph.
SportInspired is recognised as a key industry expert in within the changing context of UK community sport ? ?read more in Karen Maxwell?s report in industry leading magazine?Sports Management. See Issue 2, 2011, page 22-23
SportInspired?s first project with Business in the Community makes its way onto ITV London News:
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